
With Standard Fssc 22000

As part of the continuous quality improvement of its products, our company has certified all fields of production according to the FSSC 22000 (no. 02911006 certificate, by TUV Austria Hellas).

This standard is a “stricter” ISO 22000, with particular emphasis on infrastructure and application on specific requirements for ideal manufacturing practice of meat.

Quality – Health

For quality assurance of our products towards the consumer, we have strict controls from the time of receipt to the stages of processing, packaging and distribution.

This is achieved through the HACCP food safety management system and the traceability system run by highly trained food technologists at all stages of production.

Continuous cooling of all rooms, as well as disinfection and hygiene systems in production machines which are based on the latest European Union regulations, make us able to ensure absolute hygiene at all stages of our production process.

Strict control and continuous quality assurance of products

Food safety management system HACCP and traceability system

Disinfection and hygiene systems, in accordance with the latest EU regulations



MEATKA S.A. Meat Processing & Packaging Industry Θερμοπυλών 20 & Διαγόρα, Θέση: ΠΟΥΣΙ-ΓΚΕΡΙ ΒΑΡΥΚΟ, ΣΠΑΤΑ ΑΤΤΙΚΗΣ, Τηλ. Κέντρο: 210 66 34 848, E: info@meatka.gr